Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building

Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building

Beijing, China, 2022

Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building

Architect: Steven Hall Architects


The Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building is an impressive architectural masterpiece located in the heart of the Fengtai District in Xuhui. Designed by the renowned contemporary American architect, Steven Holl, it represents the second complex structure created by Steven Hall Architects in Beijing.

The building showcases a modern and innovative design, blending elegance with functionality. It features a distinctive façade with hand-cranked parallel-opening windows, providing both pleasant ventilation and optimal natural lighting.

Steven Holl is acclaimed for his creative approach to architecture and has realized numerous award-winning projects worldwide.

The Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building embodies the future of urban living, presenting the fusion of elegance and functionality in this visionary structure.

Smart Home designed and supplied:

  • Hardware for parallel opening windows.
  • Size of opening sash: 1,400mm × 1,600mm.
  • Weight of opening sash: 80 kg.



Xuhui Qilizhuang Comprehensive Building


26 June 2023


Hand-Crank Operation, Parallel Opening