
Our Smart Home(Beijing) Construction Technology Co.,Ltd. is proud to be certified and offers you the assurance that our products and services meet the highest quality standards.

Our certificates include:

ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate is a recognized international certification awarded to companies that have implemented an effective quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 standards.

It confirms our commitment to quality, customer focus and continuous improvement.

With an effective quality management system, we increase customer satisfaction, create clear responsibilities, motivate our employees and reduce risks and costs through error prevention.

This improves our competitiveness and our image.

ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System

The ISO 14001:2015 certificate is a recognized international certification awarded to companies that have implemented an effective environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 standards.

It confirms our commitment to sustainable business practices and the protection of the environment.

ISO 45001:2018
Safety Management and Occupational Health and Safety

The ISO 45001:2018 certificate is a recognized international certification awarded to companies that have implemented a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system in accordance with ISO 14001 standards.

It confirms our commitment to promoting safe working conditions and ensuring the well-being of our employees.

We are aware that the satisfaction and safety of our employees are crucial to our success.

High Tech Enterprise Certificate

The High-Tech Enterprise Certificate is an award given in China to companies that are classified as high-tech enterprises.

This certificate confirms that our company develops advanced technologies, conducts innovative research, and operates in fields such as information and communication technology, biotechnology, energy, environmental protection, or other high-tech industries. It signifies that our company possesses a high level of technological expertise and competitiveness, playing a significant role in the Chinese high-tech industry.